Some Odds and Ends

(Not quite long enough for their own postings, but here they are anyway!)

Coach Dave Rose called this year's BYU basketball team a special team. I feel that way too. From the support of Brandon Davies to the lack of ego among all the supporting stars to Jimmer's humility in the face of an insane amount of attention, this team is worth cheering for. And am I ever cheering! I feel like this is different than in the past. My bracket has them winning the whole thing. I hope I'm right, but even if I'm not, they've made this year a blast.

Why, oh why, wouldn't a pattern for a necktie have instructions for lengthening the tie, if needed. I didn't even know ties came in different sizes and my daughter's prom date came by to pick up the tie tonight and it was SO short. (He's tall.) The only way for the tie to be the right length is to have the underneath part s00o short. Shouldn't there be a "lengthen here" line for a tie just like there is for almost anything else you make? He was a good sport.

I traveled to Idaho and did three book signings last week. My cousins came to one of them and as they were checking out, the cashier saw the name Higginson (my maiden name). "I dated a Higginson once," she said. "Oh really? What was his name?" "Lynn." "That's her dad," my cousins said, pointing at me. It was a woman my dad dated more than fifty years ago. What are the chances?

I'm a little obsessed right now with grilled turkey and raspberry jam sandwiches on seedy, whole-grain bread. Mmm.

I've discovered as I've watched a few things live lately that I love DVR. You might think that's because of the time saved by not having to watch commercials and you'd be right. I think the main reason however, is because more and more commercials are raunchy and tasteless and inappropriate. There's some awful soap commercial that's supposed to make me want to get clean, but it just makes me feel dirty.

I love babies. I sat in church last Sunday and looked at the beautiful baby in front of us and ached to hold her. Not wanting to be the creepy baby stalker, I just admired her. Thank goodness I still have sisters and sisters-in-law having babies. (And by the way, I looked that up and sisters-in-law is correct, even though it sounds pretentious and irritating!)

There are very few sounds in the world better than the voice of your missionary son from half-way around the world telling you that he's safe and he loves you.

(Image from


Leslie said…
totally. :)
Alison said…
I have a random...

I have to say that in the world of Webelo scouting, I couldn't have had a more awesome co-leader. We had a great time together and in the midst of it all became great friends. That is what I will cherish most. So, as we part and go on to other callings, know that I have enjoyed very much creating fun den meetings and giggling through the ones we hoped we were doing right! I'll miss seeing you every Monday. Good thing that friendships continue even when callings end. :o)
Anonymous said…
I LOVE random thought posts. Love it!!
Did you get to talk to your missionary?
Anonymous said…
p.s. I like Alison's random.
Karey said…
I like Alison's too. I'm sad to not be working with you anymore. We won't even be able to sit together in Relief Society!

Yes, Tawnie, we got to talk to Bruce. He called from his mission president's office last night. He sounded tired but great!
Anonymous said…
Go Jimmer! Thanks for being a truly fine roll model for our youth.