I Worry...

I like to think I'm calm and rational when it comes to worrying. I have some relatives who are professional worriers and I don't come close to expending the energy and time that they do worrying about all the worryable things.

But lately, I've had my own list of worries that are very real to me. Some are big and some are small. Some are even silly when I think about them, but lately they've been receiving too much of my attention, so in the interest of getting them off my chest, and hopefully putting them to rest, here we go.

I worry about Bruce. He's on the other side of the world and you might think I worry about his safety so far from home, after all, he's been hit by cars (yes, more than one), had a serious bike wreck and was sick for a month. Of course those are concerns, but I don't worry much about those things. I worry about who he's going to marry. What if he marries a high-maintenance girl? What if he marries a selfish girl? I worry about this for both of my boys.

What if my girls marry guys who aren't very kind? What if they're dealing with issues that will make them not value my girls the way they should?

I worry about Veronica moving out and going to college. Not because I think she can't handle it because I know she can. I'm worried about me missing her. I'm wishing I could have had eleven children like my mom did. That way, two of my children could move out and I'd still have nine left at home. I'm not ready for half my children to be out on their own. 

I worry that I'm not going to make my self-imposed deadline to have my next two books ready for publication. What if I was too ambitious when I set my goal? Yet I don't want to revise my goal because I want to reach it.

I worry that the book I want to secure an agent for, isn't going to attract a good agent. I worry that if an agent wants the book, I'll be so excited to have an agent that maybe I won't make a good decision about whether or not they're the right agent for the job. How will I know? 

I worry about this coming election. I worry about the debt burden being left for my children. It seems to me that the America that I want to live in is disappearing and I'm hoping that this election will steer us closer to the America I long for.

I worry that the person who told me that nuts and chocolate cause kidney stones is right. What if it's true and I can't completely give up those two things. 

What do you worry about?


joannie said…
Hi one of my worries is that i am worried for you if you have that many kids. LOL sorry i only had 2 but i raised 5 3 were step kids that lived with me 24/7. I could barely raise the ones i had and now that i have been disabled for over 15 years i am just praying i will be around to see my grandaughter who reads all day make it though college and she just starts high school. I now have a great grandson that i am hoping to have a relationship with as he gets older. Everyone has died early around here. My daughter father at 52 of cancer, and now my grandaughter father is dieing of Cancer and he is 39. So i am praying i stick around for a long time and i don't worry about other things cause i can't change them. Joannie jscddmj[at]aol[dot]com
Lisa said…
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Lisa said…
You name it. I worry about it. but i'm learning. Trusting God (along the lines of the Serenity Prayer) is helping me. I read a great quote last week. 'Worry is nothing more than praying for what you don’t want.'
Kristi said…
I am a worry wart. I worry about things that shouldn't even be an issue. I can't watch the news because it gets me all tied up with anxiety. I have been overly worried about one of the girls I visit and teach. I ugly cried in church over her recent concerns then walked the halls gathering my children afterward. I looked scary. I wish I could detach myself from all the worry I carry.
missy said…
I hear you. I used to worry about everything. I still have my moments, but I've come a long way. I read a children's book once about a little Indian boy who fell into a pit and was in great danger. If I remember correctly, there was something horrible in the bottom of that pit. Someone ran home to tell the Grandma and asked, "Are you worried?" She calmly said, "No, the time for worrying is over. Now is the time for action." I've looked and looked for that book, but can't find it or remember what it was called, but the lesson was learned. Isn't it true? We tend to worry about things that we have no control over. Once we know what we are dealing with, we can go to work and DO something. And that usually makes us (me) feel much better.