Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 28 - November 28

I'm thankful for Pepper.

Pepper is our Great Dane. We bought her almost four years ago from a breeder who no longer wanted her. She'd been hit by a car and couldn't have any puppies, so even though she's got rare and sought after coloring, she was no longer of any use to the breeder.

When Pepper was hit by a car, she lost a litter of puppies. She was still hurt when we got her--she limped, she was still bleeding and engorged from her ordeal. She had bad dreams and cried and whimpered when she slept. It was sad.

She's now a happy and healthy dog. She's patient, calm and loyal. She loves to be around us and when the kids leave for school, she parks herself to sleep wherever I am.

If it were entirely up to me, I probably wouldn't own a dog. But since some of my family is determined that we have a dog, I'm thankful for a good dog like Pepper.


Anonymous said…
I have always been a bit leary of a dog that is the size of a small horse. But, I know how much some of the children love Pepper, so for that reason, I am happy you have her. Go Pepper! What a story Pepper has to tell. I didn't know her history. She looks healthy and wonderful now. It must be the love she gets from your family.LMH