REVIEW - Belonging to Heaven by Gale Sears

I've been fortunate to read some really outstanding books lately and this is definitely one of them.

First let me say that Gale Sears is a lovely woman. Last year, as I read all the books that were Whitney finalists, I was captivated by her book, Letters in the Jade Dragon Box. I was thrilled when it won the Historical Fiction category and had the honor of meeting Gale after the awards. She was a gracious, inspiring woman.

In all honesty, Belonging to Heaven, took me a little longer to lose myself in. It likely had more to do with everything that's going on in my life than the actual book, but the first few chapters took me several days to get through. And then something clicked and I didn't want to put it down. I completely fell in love with Jonathan Napela. While I admired the faith and courage of the early Hawaiian missionaries, Jonathan's faith and determination, and later his patience, and endurance, completely captivated me and brought me to tears several times. I so admired him.

Gale writes with lovely prose. The Hawaiian phrases slowed me down and made me more impressed by George Cannon and the other missionaries, but Gale's imagery transported me to the islands and made me long for another trip there.

This book is absolutely worth reading. I'll be thinking about it for a long time as I try to be a little more like Jonathan.

