It's My Turn! Lost and Found by Me

I feel like I should brush my hair out and belt out, "It's My Turn . . ."

I must admit, I'm a little nervous. I have this fear of being the weak link. Kinda like I was on my youth church basketball game or when we played volleyball in P.E. I'd pray the ball wouldn't come to me so I wouldn't make a fatal blunder. I've read all the books in our series and I really liked them all. I'm just crossing my fingers you all like my little offering.

Anyway, I really liked Lydia and Blake. And I really liked Gladys and Elliott.

Lost and Found is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, & KOBO.


missy said…
While I've really enjoyed each book, this was my favorite! No worries about being a weak link with this one. I loved the characters and the setting and the intriguing story line. I'm a sucker for old letters and the letters from Blake's grandpa were so real and heart wrenching. I loved it all!
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed this book, Karey. It was interesting and had some mystery and a great lead in to a love story. Don't worry. You are a gifted writer. LMH

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